Authors presenting abstracts in “Long oral sessions”, “Short oral sessions” and “Quickshots” (with the exception of case reports and operative techniques) are welcome to submit manuscripts for consideration for publication in the IPEG Annual Meeting issue of the Journal of Pediatric Surgery (JPS).
Journal of Pediatric Surgery Instructions for Authors
Please follow the format requirements described below and submit your manuscript to IPEG’s Publications Committee ( before June 1, 2023. Manuscripts that are not accepted cannot be resubmitted to the Journal of Pediatric Surgery through the regular submission process.
JPS Format requirements
Please submit your manuscript as one PDF file with the following elements:
1. Title page: Include the title, authors, institution(s), name of the corresponding author, and contact information.
2. Abstract: Maximum of 250 words, with 3 to 5 keywords.
3. Manuscript: The manuscript should follow the standard format, including an introduction, methods, results, and discussion.
4. References: Use AMA citation style.
5. Figure and/or table legends
6. Figures and/or tables: Include all figures and tables at the end of the manuscript, in the same PDF file.
We look forward to seeing you in Sorrento!
The IPEG Publications Committee